Save The Planet
For Better Future

Our structured programmes create the perfect platform for you to see the world, meet like-minded people and engage in meaningful volunteering work.

Our Future Global Initiatives

Sterling Non-Profits strives to help make the changes necessary to provide a healthier future for our planet by funding our Global Initiatives. We aim to fund the single most impacting environmental changes worldwide in an effort to slow and ultimately reverse the deterioration of our planet earth.

Three Key Problems Caused By Habitat Change

The planet is at a crossroads. The actions we take together right now are important to protecting the natural world we rely on today—and for setting us on the path to a more hopeful, sustainable future.

We are an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization with the highest standards in volunteers. Our international charity sustainable development model equips families with the tools and skills they need to lift themselves out of poverty.


Square km of land have been lost since 2000


Wildlife species threatened with extinction


Tonnes of food wasted each year

Three Key Problems Caused By Habitat Change

The planet is at a crossroads. The actions we take together right now are important to protecting the natural world we rely on today—and for setting us on the path to a more hopeful, sustainable future.


Square km of land have been lost since 2000


Wildlife species threatened with extinction


Tonnes of food wasted each year


Protecting Our Planet
Starts With You

Live Sustainably

Cut down on what you throw away. Buy less plastic and follow the three "R's (Reduce, reuse, and recycle) to conserve natural resources and landfill space.

Increase Clean Energy

Shift 85 percent of the world’s energy supply to non-fossil fuel sources and invest in strategies like reforestation that capture carbon dioxide.

Volunteering & Plant Trees

Trees provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, and help combat climate change. You can get involved in protecting your watershed, too.

How Can We Help?

We are an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization with the highest standards in volunteers. Our international charity sustainable development model equips families with the tools and skills they need to lift themselves out of poverty.


You Can Help Lots Of People By Donating Little!


Find Out Simple Actions You Can Take Today


Stand With Us to Protect Our Planet

Every acre we protect, every river mile restored, every species brought back from the brink, begins with you.